Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dear Klaus,

I wish I had a memory like yours. I would give anything to be able to remember anything and everything I read in books. I don't know how you do it. What's your trick?--I'm dying to know! I really want that memory.

Jealously yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Dear Mr. Darcy,

I am so looking forward to spending time with you in these coming weeks. I've been hoping to meet you for some time now, and it is finally going to be the time. I can't explain my excitement to you. I hope you impress me as much as you have others. I realize I might be coming off a little weird, but you see, I've been anticipating the day we finally come together for some time now. I've been patiently awaiting the day when you and I are within a reasonable distance to meet and speak. I realize I might be coming off a little forward...I hope that's okay. I'm very excitable and you've got me excited, Mr. Darcy.

Awaitingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Dear Ruby,

Although our circumstances are totally different and I'm not in the place you are or were, I feel like I can relate to you. I feel like everyone can.--Not really feeling at home anywhere. Feeling at home in the place where it's bad for you. I've felt it before, I know others have. I just wanted you to know that you're not alone. Some things are just too hard to give up, the ingrain themselves in you so much and you just can't give them up. I don't really know what to say to you, although I feel like we had a really strong connection. I just, I've felt what you felt before. Ya know? I've been like that, wishing and wanting so bad to be somewhere else, not liking the place you're at even though it's really good for you, not being happy with the people you're with. Not having anyone to talk to about any of it.--Which reinforces the way you were feeling like woah. So, I know how you feel. Different circumstances and situations, but similar feelings overall. I just thought you should know that. I've been there, too. You're not alone. You've always got one person with you. Me.

With you,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear Travis Parker,

You know all your friends call you a playa-playa and everything....you don't settle, you don't commit, all that jazz. I never saw you that way. I always saw you as this sensitive, romantic guy, just waiting for the right girl. I never saw you that way, from the very beginning. I don't know, maybe my "Play-Playa Perceptiveness" is broken or something. It very well could be!--wouldn't be a far stretch...just saying.
BUT. I digress. I guess I just saw the good in your from the beginning or something. I knew you were a good man, I knew you were a respectful man. Maybe it's because you're a vet. That could do with it. I've always had a soft spot for a man who loves animals. Kind of, not really, I have a soft spot for animals...kind of the same. No. Not really. You're right.
Anyways, boy was I right! You were just waiting for her. For Gabby. I knew you were waiting for that perfect girl. And I knew as soon as Gabby moved next door she was the one for you. I just knew. Don't ask how, I just know these things. Just like how I'm really good at figuring out who's singing, even when NO ONE believes that I'm right and I AM. --like always, duh, they need to just get used to it. Digressing again. Maybe where I lack in my "Playa-Playa Perceptiveness" I pick up in my "Perfect for each other meter." It's a definite possibility. It could happen. Because, admit it, Gabby was the perfect one. We all knew it. Heck, you even knew it. Just sain', I called it.

Playa-Playa Perceptively yours,
NicholleLee Robertson

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Dear Nick,

NOTE: This is to Nick from the MOVIE "Nick and Narah's Playlist" NOT the book.

I don't know why you were all hung up on Tris. I mean...to be completely honest, she's kind of a whore. I mean...kinda. You've got to admit. And I'm pretty sure that's NOT why you're attracted to her. So tell me. Why were you so stinkin' attracted to her?! I don't get it. You need someone who appreciates your music. Who appreciates your mix style. Who appreciates your cover art. Someone like Norah. And obviously you end up together, you know this. But, I just don't see the attraction to her in the beginning. Tris I mean. She's just not...She's just not right for you. And I just don't see how it worked to begin with. You must be one of those boys that fall in love quickly. I mean, but all I'm saying is "Tris!? Really?! No way, man!"--that's my take on the whole situation....Just....NO. Bad. I mean...she's not even, like, perfect for you or anything!
But, now you're with Norah and I can sleep at night. You are still with Norah, right?! I certainly hope so. Because I mean, the only excuse not to be with Norah is to be with...like...me. I'm just sayin'. And I'm sure we could arrange something like that....my boyfriend would be kind of mad, but eh, he'll get over it. ;-) hehehe. Probably not. He, too, is one of those boys that falls in love quickly. Good for me I guess. Bad for the prospect of us being together....But, hey, "there aint no mountain high enough."--that's all I'm sayin'. That's all I'm sayin'. :-) My email's nr001@aquinas.edu just in case you want to hit me up on that offer.---just in case. You never know....hehehehe.
But seriously. Me + You = Pretty Epic Mix. ;-)
Okkkay. I'm going to stop being a creeper now. Look forward to hearing from you. Hehehe.

Crepperly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Dear Violet,

I feel like you in some ways. An inventor. You invent actual, useful objects. I invent sentences and stories. We've got that in common. And although I've not been through nearly the things you have, I feel that our inventions bring us together.
It makes me see that everyone can have something in common with another. Even if you come from completely different worlds, as we do. It makes me see that we all can be brought together. It's just up to us to find out what it is that does so.
People always see what a person looks like, and think "Oh, we have nothing in common." And that's not the case. I would never see you, see me, and think we had something in common. But, look, something that is in the core of us. Something that makes who we are, some would say, and we share that. We share that. Isn't it an amazing thing?! It is. It truly is.
It's times like these that I re-learn to sit back and slow down. Don't judge people on the fly. Don't categorize people on the fly. Because we're "often entirely wrong." And we are. We are. It's something we all do. And there's no shame in it. It just, I think, (like right now with me) teaches us to SLOW DOWN and to consciously realize we are doing this and try to adjust it. And you taught me that today. I mean, we've known each other for some time now. But, you learn new things every day.
I mean who would think you and I were alike in any way shape or form? We're both girls. But, like I said. When you get down to it. When you get down to the core of who we each are, we're inventors. That's our passion. I invent via paper and pen. You invent via objects and tinkering with them. But, either way. That is who we are. That defines us. And we share that. We have that passion. It may not be for the exact same thing, but it is of the same form. We invent. We make things. We bring things to life, that were at one point never there until we put them there. And that. That is something.
Even the way we do it is similar...
You tie your hair up when you're inventing. That's how your siblings know what's going on. I tie my hair up when I write. I always tell people, "You can tell if I'm writing/thinking if my hair is up." And it's true. I write a paper--hair goes up. I write a note on facebook--hair goes up. I write on here--hair goes up. And usually headphones go in...but that's another thing. Maybe it's all people that invent? Ladies at least. Hair goes up. It really does just get in the way. And I put it up so it wont distract me and I wont start twirling it. Same for you?
I look forward to the time, I think, we will be spending with each other in the coming months. If my boyfriend goes on the path I'm pretty positive he is going to go on. ...I know him well...so I'm probably right. I hope. And I think it will just allow us to find other things within ourselves that we have in common, and some things in ourselves we didn't even know we had. And I'm glad we have the opportunity to do that. Because some people never give themselves that opportunity. Never to see commonalities with a stranger, almost. Or even learn about themselves through someone else. And, I thank you for that opportunity.

Inventingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Dear Anja,

You've got yourself a good man. Just from the little little bit of your story I've heard thus far, he sacrificed a lot for you. You should be proud to have had a man so loving. Of course, I've not finished your story yet, so things could change....but it seems like you've got a good man. Congratulations. They're not always easy to find....I'm told.

Happily yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Dear Anna,

I also have a sister, a twin. And as much as I love her and would do ANYTHIN for her, I must admit that if I was FORCED to do the things you were forced to do I would not be happy either. I wouldn't take it to the extent you did, but obviously you had to get your attention some how. I would, however, do that on my own. If I was given the option I would do it. But, and you understand, no one wants to do something when they're forced to do it. It makes it much more suckier than anything. I mean, I love my sister. I do. A lot. But being forced to do all those things. No. That has to be something you do because you WANT to do it.

understandingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Dear Rocky,

I felt so bad for you when your husband died. I really loved your story because I can relate to loss, and I was in school for psychology, so it was really cool to read. I just, even though I couldn't totally relate to your story, it was so inspiring to read. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.

NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear Burt,

You remind me SO much of my boyfriend. It is not even funny! I can't even explain. He is going to be just like you when he's your age. It's not even funny. He'll probably even fall off the ledge at that restaurant. You are too funny! What a hoot. I can't even stand it! You guys are so much alike, I can't even explain. Erg. I wish I could explain. I just can't get over it!

Boyfriendingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Dear Lucy,

I'm really glad you chose George. I can't tell you how happy I was when I heard that! The whole time you were with Cecil I was like, "No. No. No. George!" And now you are together and I can sleep at night. :-)
That's all I wanted to say!

Happily yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Dear Esperanza,

You talked about how people go into your neighborhood and role their windows up real tight and just look forward. And you're right people do that. They do that all the time. I do it. My mom does it. My friends do it. And I never really thought about it before. But, what I never thought about before was the fact that people realize. People in the neighborhood notice when people drive by like that. And that's something you just taught me. I'm learning a lot from you today spending all this time together. It's nice. Thank you. And sorry for rolling up my windows when I get into your neighborhood.

Educatingly Yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Dear Mr. Jay Gatsby

I must admit. My feelings were a little hurt when you still wanted Daisy. I thought we were getting along just fine. I thought we were heading in the right direction. Plus I don't have a husband to leave. BONUS! Right?! I mean, it's gotta be. I know I'm not as charming as Daisy, or as beautiful. But, I mean, come on. She's kind of a crazy lady. Ya know? Like. I loved you. She loved....the thought of you (?) She obviously didn't love you enough to leave her husband. But, she had you wrapped around her little finger. And I can't figure out why. Actually, yes I can, and I do know why. But, I don't understand why. I don't. Her or me? Me or her? The answer should be obvious. Oh. It's not?! I think you're intriguing, and interesting, and smart, and charming, and strange, and handsome, and wonderful the way you are (money or no money). Doesn't that count for something??!! But. Now you're gone. And we'll never be. And, I guess I'm writing this letter to you just as a way of letting go. I wish you could know I think about you all the time. I'm always revisiting our time together. You're still my favorite. Oh look. I'm not getting over you, just the way you didn't get over Daisy.... Maybe it's because you're dead. You were taken away from me. Not by choice. And for good. I guess you might argue the same about Daisy, but it's different. It's different.

Beautifully yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Dear Jane,

So, my twin sister is getting married next year. I'm only 20 years old, so I obviously don't have any experience being a bridesmaid, let alone a maid of honor? I was wondering if you could give me any tips? "Tips? English tips? Tips of any kind?"---Sorry, I couldn't resist.
I mean since you have been a bridesmaid 27 times. I was just wondering.... And now that you are married to perfect journalism man you're not bitter about it anymore and I figured it would be okay to ask.... When I say perfect journalism man, I really mean it. I would have fell in love with him on the spot! He's SO charming! Plus, he's a journalist.
Anyways! Back to the main point. My sister's getting married. I'm the maid of honor. I don't know what to do. At all. I need your help. So, please help me. Please. Help. I'm not kidding! I need it. I mean I don't know the first thing about planning a wedding! Please, I hardly know the first thing about GOING to a wedding! I'm the oldest grandchild, I've only been to like....4 weddings. And not since I was the flower girl really. So, I have no clue what to do. And I'm kind of freakin' out. And I want it to be perfect. So. Like I said. I need your help!

Freaking out Maid of Honorly Yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Dear Jacob Black,

I'll see you TONIGHT. I know. This is like totally stepping over the boundries we formed not too long ago. But. The opportunity arose to visit you. And I COULD NOT pass it up. I hope that doesn't upset you. I doubt you'll even see me anyways. You'll be surrounded by a many number of girlies screaming. And, trust me, I WILL NOT be one of them. We had our time together. Much before all these other ladies had to share you. I had you to myself and I don't mind stepping aside now for all of these other girls drulling over you. I however will NOT be one of them, like I said. Maybe four years ago....but to be completely honost.....we were never all that close. I mean close yes, but my friendship with Edward Cullen sort of hindered that. I, unlike some people, care about your feelings. hehehehe....that was mean. No, but I understand where she's coming from. So, I don't fully blame her or anything. I mean, how can she resist either of you?! I don't know. You're both dashingly handsome. Will you slap me now?! I promised myself I would NOT think of HIM anymore and here I go! Rude of me. So sorry. It wont happen again! Anyways. I just wanted you to know that I will be there tonight. Because I doubt you'll see me and I just wanted you to know that I will be there.....supporting you (?).

NOT Screamingly Yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Lieutenant Jimmy Cross,

I think you're a sweet man.
The way touching Martha's knee drove you crazy. "He should've carried her up the stairs to her room and tied her to the bed and touched that left knee all night long."
I mean besides for the kind of creepiness in this, it's really sweet when you think about it. Just the touch of that knee and that's all you need to get by, that's all you need to survive, that gives you butterflies. It really shows how much you love her. It really does. It takes more to get by and be satisfied with a mere touch. And I comend you for that.
I remember with my boyfriend all I needed was to hold his hand for a minute and I was good to go for the whole day. And I loved that feeling! I loved the feeling of being able to hold his hand and the fact that touching his hand was all I needed. To me, that's what love was. It was seeing that smile in the morning, or smelling him behind me, or holding his hand. Thats what love was to me. It was that smell, that smile, that touch.
And that's how you were with Martha and, to me, that just shows how much you loved her. And it takes a real man to love someone like that. And especially to love someone like that who doesn't love you in the slightest. It really takes a man. And I really don't know what else to say.
I just think of my boyfriend every time I read that and I just think of the butterflies I get when his hand touched mine, or when he walked into the room after not seeing him for an entire evening/night. And I just feel like we're connected in that way. I know how you feel to love someone so much. We're just....we're alike in that way. We have that in common.
How weird, I, Miss Bookworm who doesn't leave the house has something in common with Mr. Lieutenant Army man.

I don't know. I just can't get over that. I can't get over how much you love her.

Commonly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Dear Jen,

I thought your story was so interesting. It's been an awful long time since I've read it, but I am always from time to time thinking about it. Just thinking about being an innovator, which is what you are. I read it, like I said, many years ago, but I didn't really appreciate it until I grew up, the message that is, I guess. The idea of liking something, being made fun of for it, then it becomes super popular. This is something I can relate to. This is something I feel, many people can relate to at one point in time.
At the age I was when I read your story, I must have been 12 or 13, I didn't understand how someone could be made fun of something that was clearly so cool. I just didn't understand. I always wondered: if that became so cool then why were people making fun of it? If that person didn't like that and they were opinionated enough to make fun of someone, why on earth would they ever go back to it? And I never understood that! And it made me so made. This whole innovation thing confused me. I remember when I first starting reading I thought you were so cool, and people must really like you because you were such a trend-setter. Then I found out you were not very liked. And I was shocked! I honestly remember my jaw dropping. And I was so confused!
I mean I understand the concept now and everything, but, boy was I surprised. And I always think about that from time to time. What am I laughing at about someone that I am going to end up loving in three or four or how many ever years? And I know I'm totally showing everyone how lame I am, but I thought about it in 2005 when I read Twilight when it first came out, and was made fun of for it. Like legitimately made fun of. And look at it now?! And when I think about my boyfriend. He used to wear suit pants, button down shirts, ties, and sweater-vests to school everyday and was made SO much fun of for it. And look at how society dresses now! That exact way. And I always think about that when someone laughs at something someone has on or is reading or is even listening to in the music. Because we never know. We never know.
And I thought that you should just know that after all these years after we spent time together, I still think of you. Do you think of me, too?

Innovativly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dear Sylvie,

I must first admit I am still working on you.

I can't decide what your deal is. What happened with you, why you're so....strange. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with that, I am just SO curious as to what your story is. And it's really annoying that I have to get up and let go and go to class and work and other homework before I can finish and figure you out. I mean, I know it's not about you, it's about Lucille and Ruth, but you are so interesting.
It is bugging me so much, I wish I could be a fast reader. I want to know so bad. Even when I'm not reading, I'm wondering what it is. Did you hear that? You're on my mind even when we're not together. Although we both know we're never really together. You're too detached from this world. You're not present. You're not here. You're in some different Sylvie universe and I want to be a part of it so bad. Although, I don't think it's any Neverland where you are....but, I still wish to know where you are.
My curiosity is getting the best of me here. I'm sorry if that's rude. I mean, it doesn't really seem like you are welcoming anyone into your world. Maybe Lucille and Ruth, sometime. But, not anytime soon. If you don't kill yourself first. But, I don't think you will. I don't know. It kind of seems like it, but deep down I don't think you will.
I'm sorry! That was REALLY rude of me. Talking about your suicide. To you. Where have my manners gone?! I appologize. It's the curiosity getting the best of me again. But, that's no excuse. Again, I'm sorry. Looking forward to spending time with you again.

Curiously yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Dear Sherman Alexie,

I know I JUST wrote to you, but I MUST express my utter love for you!!!!!
I LOVED your talk tonight at Grand Valley. It was fantastic. I was listening to you and I felt like you were 1) speaking to me directly, and 2) I felt like we were the same person. The way you talked about your love for books, and your hate for the "shuffle" button on the iPod, and just the way you live your life... I feel like we should really be friends. I was honored to hear you speak tonight and I can not wait for the next time you come to Grand Rapids or the MI area.
I just....I can't express the way I felt after your talk. You were vulgar, and, and funny, and totally sincere. I want (maybe with less vulgarity)...I think more people should be like you. Like me. I mean I have Emily who essentially is me, and it's fun being in our own little world and everything where no one really understands us. But, after hearing you today, it would be nice if there were more like us. And you give me hope that there are people like us out there. Because you're one of them. And how cool is that?! Mr. Sherman Alexie is kinda, sorta like me. I think it's cool.

Utterly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Dear Edward Cullen,

Besides for this letter, I'm doing a really good job of avoiding you. I haven't even thought of you really since the last letter I wrote. Do you remember? About a month back... Ya know, it's not that easy to not think about you with you being so utterly popular right now! I'm not even going to go see you RIGHT when you come to town. I'm going to WAIT. Waiting for you is NOT an easy thing to do. And I'm not exactly the most patient person in the world to begin with.
But, I must admit....not being with you is okay with me. I thought it would drive me nuts, but I don't even care. I don't really even care about you anymore. I mean, of course I care, I always will. But, not in the way I did. I don't love you the way I did. I don't need you. I don't run to you whenever I get upset, sad, or frustrated anymore. It's been really good for me. I've been able to explore new (and better) people....and things. I don't NEED you anymore. And that's a wonderful feeling.
Of course, I will always love you, and you will always hold a dear spot in my heart. But I am SO over you! I am so done with you!
And that's all I have to say.

Nottingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Dear Hannah Jarvis,

You are too cute! Could you fall in love with Bernard now, though?! You're perfect for each other. I'm just sayin'!!!
You guys, are just so cute together, the way you feed off each other and bounce everything back and forth, and argue so much. It's astonishing. People hardly ever find someone who they can be like that with, and you....your person is just right in front of you! Cool! Arg. I don't know what to say. I had so much I wanted to say, and I wanted to say it earlier and I knew exactly what to say, but I was just trying to finish something and of course I FORGOT. Like always. Poo.

Forgetfully yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Dear Jane Austen Novels,

Oh, how I long to read you. I do, I really really do. But, I don't have stupid time! Arg. How about I just drop out of college to read them? Then I would have all the time to read you! And I could read a lot of other yummy books. I want to read you all so bad. I feel like a bad person not having read you yet!!! Bad English major! Arg. Stupid college. Oh well, until we meet again. And we have like a bigillion copies of Pride and Prejudice in this apartment and it is killing me.

Urningly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Dear Harry,

I have been spending some time with Dwayne today. And I just want to apologize for his rude behavior to you. He should not have talked to you like that. Especially for someone he cares so much about. I don't think he really meant what he was saying, he was probably just taking his anger out on you, because he's closest with you. That's what I do at least.....take all my anger out on my boyfriend, no matter if I'm actually saying/meaning things about him. It's not a nice thing for people to do. But, we do it anyways. We're human.
But you seem like such a great guy, and I think if we knew each other, we would be great friends. I can tell how much you care about Dwayne. I really can. It probably hurt so much to hear him say all those things to you, and I'm sorry. I just want you to know, that I think Dwayne really cared about you, and I don't think he meant to hurt you. I just thought it was important that you knew that. ... That's all.

Apologetically yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Dear Justin Matise,

I've been sick these past few days. Like really sick. I had to leave my college campus and be isolated from everyone and everything. They think it might be Swine Flu, so you understand the importance of my hibernation.
When I wasn't asleep which was, which I was like 75% of the time I was watching T.V. and stuff, mainly country music videos. Anyways. I was really wanting to spend some time with you. But, I couldn't. And I was really sad about that. You're the perfect person to spend time with when one's sick (or at least I think) and I couldn't spend anytime with you. And like I said, that made me sad.
So really. I'm just writing you this because I wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you. As I lay here on my death bed. ....I'm not really dying, but you understand.

Piggishly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

P.S.--Get it? Piggishly....Swine Flu....hahahaha.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Dear Kilgore Trout,

Really?! You really wanted to sell your writing that badly that you put it in porn? Really?! Really?! I mean I want to be an author, I really want to write a book, but I would NEVER link my name with porn. Even if no one read it to see my name, I still would never ever do it in a million years. I would be embarrassed.... That's just....why would you do that? I have no idea. You would have a more faithful following, I bet, if you had your work published regularly. Which you did, so why the need to publish through porn? I have no idea! I just don't understand why anyone would degrade themselves that way. I mean it's not like you're the one making porn or anything, but your writing is in it, with your name. So, really, it's just as degrading to you as it is to the pornographers. I don't know. That's my rant.
I also wanted to say, that I, too, talk to my animals.

Awkwardly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dear Sherman Alexie,

I'm really excited to see you speak next Friday, but why do you have to cost $20??!!??!!

Brokidly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear Paula Becker,

***On Adrianne Rich's poem "Paula Becker to Clara Westhoff***
Click here to read

When I was reading what you had to say to Clara, I must admit I was really moved. Something about it just grabbed me and held on. I am not totally sure if you were writing a letter to Clara, but that's how I saw it. I could just picture you at a desk with a feather tip pen writing to her.

The way you expressed your feelings of your somewhat lost friendship, and your marriages, it was just....moving. I guess I can't really find another word to describe it better.

It was weird because a lot of people read it and they get this feeling of loss, sorrow, and regret. But, when I read it I felt an overwhelming surge of love. The love you have for Clara as a friend, as a sister, it's like she is your real soulmate. And I guess that's something I understand. 1) Having a soulmate in a friend, not my significant other. And 2. Having that incredible friendship with someone and loosing it, then really being obsessed with thoughts of them and your friendship and just wanting to tell them everything, but you know you can't. I know that feeling, all too well.
And maybe that's why I identify with you on such a different level than others, because I really didn't feel like you regretted anything. I didn't feel like you were talking about loss. I felt like you were saying everything to Clara that you knew you couldn't say. And you were saying it because you still loved her. She was still a part of you. And, I know that. I truly, truly know that. I felt like it was out of love....honestly.

This idea of friendship....it's just....I don't really know what I want to say. I have had a lot of REALLY good friends, and I've lost a lot of those REALLY good friends. And I never for one second regretted anything. I never for one second was sad. I really wasn't. I mean, Did I miss them? Yes. Did I want to talk to them? More than anything. But, Was I sad? Honestly, no. Because some things are just not meant to last forever....and that's the truth. There just not. And sometimes I do the same thing....just write down everything I want to say to them because I just can't let go. I can't let go of them. And, maybe it's me being a little too obsessed. Because, let's be honest here, I really do get a thought in my head and obsess about it. But....whatever!

But, what struck me most about what you were saying is how I could tell you just love Clara so much. I didn't care about anything else, the only part I saw was the friendship. And, she was your soulmate. And, I'm so sorry you lost her and driffted apart to be with men who were not your friends. It's really tragic. I couldn't imagine leaving my soulmate for my significant other. I really couldn't! And maybe that's something bad about me, but I can think of a few people who would say the same thing. When you meet that person that you just know you're meant to be best friends with how can you let go? And even if you have not talked for 3, 5, or 11 years, how do you let go? How can you justify it. Especially if (S)he is the only person who truly made you happy, which is how it seems you were with Clara.

I don't know. I feel like I'm talking in circles here. And maybe I am, and if I am I am sorry. But, I just feel like I identify with you so much here. And I feel like there is so much more I want to say, but I can't. And I appologize for that. :-(

Friendly-ly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Dear Marcus,

Halloween is tomorrow. I kind of want to wear a shirt that says "Me, yes, Me" and then marry the boy who has a shirt that says "You, yes, You" but I don't think I would find anyone....I wish I thought of that earlier!!!! I so would have done it. Man! Now I'm kicking myself for it. Oh well, the only thing important here is that I LOVE YOU SO STINKIN MUCH. Just so you know.

Lovingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Dear Linda Hogan and John Grogan,

First of all I love saying your names together because they rhyme.
Secondly, I really enjoyed getting the opportunity to hear you speak today about your writing. It was very fun. And thank you for signing my books! I love when that gets to happen. I love your writing (both of you) so keep up the good work and I'm going to keep reading it.

Lovingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Dear Sanderson sisters,

You guys are a hoot! So silly. You should NOT try and kill little children. How rude! You've been dead for 300 years, so I understand if you're not up on what is and is not acceptable these days. But, killing little children (or anyone for that matter) is not really acceptable anymore. I just thought you should know. And how could you turn Thackery into a cat? He is SO cute! Rude. Again! Take manner classes. Or do they not offer those in Hell, where your "master" is??? Hehehe. Anyways. I just think you're plain old rudie mcRude Rudes.

Rudily yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Dear Tyler,

I must say. I am probably one of the biggest readers you will ever meet. But, I'm picky about what I read. Basically....it has to be a love story. And I hate saying that....but it's true. I'm getting better as I get older, but I'm a romantic and that comes out in what I read, or that's why I'm a romantic because of what I read.... either way. Anyways, I digress. I read your story which was cool because it wasn't a love story. It was however a baseball story which is another one of my loves. Anyways! I loved your story, because it was something I knew, but it was so much for a YA book. It was more than a good baseball story, it was dealing with life, and overcoming crap, and growing up. And I loved it. I think I appreciate it more now that I'm older and not 10 years old, but it was so good. It taught me so much and I just thank you for sharing your story with everyone. And I thank you for sharing your story with me.

Thankfully yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Dear Razzle,

I just wanted you to know that I wanted to be JUST like you when I was young. You're so couragous, and out there, and you never cared what anyone thought of you. That was every girls dream at 11, I think....to forget about everyone else, and not care what they thought. You were so sure of yourself, you knew who you were. You were everything I wanted to be, I just wasn't old enough to figure out who exactly that was yet. I revisited you and revisited you time and time again. And I think maybe, in a little way you did have a hand in how I turned out. And I did turn out like you....a little bit. I don't care what people think of me. I don't do "traditional" things, I do what I want and not what people want or expect of me. That's not to say I don't do what people want or what's "expected" of me...usually those are the same things. I'm not as outspoken as you...but I am when I write. Kind of. Now if only I had a shaved head....my boyfriend would LOVE that. Sorry, I just can't do it! Me+Shaved Head= Not Happening. Ever. Sorry Mitchell.... I just wanted to thank you for being such a good role model for me growing up. So. Thank you!

Not as outspokenly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Dear Poetry,

We used to be such good friends!!! What happened?! We got together all the time, I loved to read you. And then one day I just stopped understanding you, and I didn't get you. Then I had to read 'Rounding the Human Corners' for school....and I like you much better now. Just thought you should know we're on better terms now. That's all!

Friendly-ly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Dear Agent Gibbs,

Will you marry me? No?! Well....maybe we can just spend some time together. You're the BEST!!! I love you. Plus, you're really handsome. You are such a BA. I wish I could just be a fly on your jacket and experience half the stuff you experience each day. I just wish one day, one case I could be an agent and work with you, and Tony, and McGee, and Ziva, and Abby, and Ducky. I love you guys. You are so cool! I look forward to all the times I get to spend time with you! And I love when we can spend hours a day together. It really is the best ever. I keep saying best. Sorry. I just don't know what else to say to you....

NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Dear Lars,

I hope you know how loved you are! It's amazing to me how much people love you. Willing to do anything for you. You're lucky to have them in your life. There are so many people that wish just one person would love them the way your entire town would. It's amazing the support you have. I've never seen a support system of that stature before, unless it was someone famous or someone running for president of course. It's so cool to watch. Your time with Bianca moved me. You moved me. You're such a good person. Your heart is in a place people dream of having theirs. You're so satisfied, and happy. Keep your family close. It's not often you get one like that!

Familialy yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Dear Tita,

I enjoyed your story a lot. It was really fun to read, and I loved all your recipes. I can not wait to make them all. I want to go through and make them month to month, just like you did. Maybe I can blog about my experience (hehe). No, but seriously. Although your recipes are kind of crazy and whacked out, I still want to try them.....Can't wait. I wonder if I'll have some of the same experiences as you.... Hopefully my sister wont get carried away on a horse.....but.....lets not go there. I really enjoyed spending time with you, though! And I hope we meet some time soon. I wish I could give you more of an idea how much I enjoyed our time together, but I can't really think right now.... Sorry.

Cookingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Dear Mrs. Ramsey,

First off, I would like to say that I think you are a fine woman.
Now that that's out of the way. Are you an artist? I often hear that people see you as a sort of artist with the fancy dinner parties you plan, and your way of placing people at the table, and finding the exact right meal to feed a group of people. They compare you to Lily Briscoe, who you know, actually is an artist. And, I'm not going to lie Mrs. Ramsey, I don't see it. I don't see how you are an artist. I mean it does take a certain "talent" to plan the perfect dinner party, but....an artist? An artist like Lily? Her talent is so much different than yours, I mean she's a painter, she creates this vivid thing that people can look at and touch and comprehend. And, yes, people can see your creations and touch and even eat it. But, it's so different with the two of you. I mean, does deciding where people sit and deciding what food for your cook to make count as art? Does it really even count as talent? I don't really know. And that's what I'm having trouble with. I'm sitting here trying to write and convince people that you are a true artist, when I don't even know if I believe it myself. Honestly, I don't really believe it...

Creating art... I think of a painting, a drawing, a sculpture. Not a dinner party. I mean I don't really even consider music as much of an art as I do the above. It is art, don't get me wrong, it really is, one of my favorite kinds. But.... I don't see it the same way as a painting or drawing. So, to consider a dinner party art is such a stretch for me.... especially compared to Lily. What do you think? Are your dinner parties art? Are they? Or is that a stretch of the word?
I don't know. Dictionary.com says art is "the quality, production, expression, or realm, according to aesthetic principles, of what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance," if this is what art is than I don't think what you do is art. Sorry.

But is this the true meaning of art? I guess art is so interpretive and so personal and different to everyone it's hard to judge whether what you do is art or not.
I mean to me the song is not art the guitar and drums and piano are all arts separately, but seeing the song as art, I don't. No. I mean I do, but if heard an incredible guitar solo or drum or piano solo, I would view those as a more art and the song lesser. And maybe that's wrong of me...maybe my perception of art is off...but...

And to some people writing is art. And although I believe this (I would hope I would being an english major and all..) I don't see it as an art like a painting. Am I wrong? I don't think I can be. Because isn't the point of art to be that everyone interprets it differently...? Yes.
So...back to my original question: Are you an artist? In my eyes, no. What you create is not interpreted in the same way as a painting/drawing/piece of writing/guitar solo. It's just not the same. Plain and simple. It's...not something that can be viewed differently in different minds. It's not something that can be interpreted or personal in the way the above are.
Do I think what you do takes talent? Yes. I do. Pleasing everyone, and putting the right food on the table at the perfect time, it takes talent. Now, if a wedding planner were to read this they would probably disagree with me. But, for now....I don't think so... Maybe someone can convince me other wise.

Artistically yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Dear Kathrine and Michael,

Your relationship with Micheal reminds me a lot of my relationship with my boyfriend. Of course, we're out of high school now and in college, so it's not like that anymore. But, I know where you are coming from. Loving someone so much it almost hurts, wanting to be with them every second of every day, being confused.... I understand it all. More than you know. And loving him and being attracted to someone else....that's okay. It doesn't mean you love him any less, I don't think. But, I also think you did the right thing by telling him. I'm sorry things didn't work out. That happens....maybe in the future? Maybe you're just not meant to be forever together....it's a possibility. I wish you could be together though. I really do. It gives those of us in the same situation hope.

You are an impatient boy. 1) You should NOT be so pushy. 2) You should NOT be so quick to judge. Kathrine had a lot of emotions running through her mind. And take it from someone who has been in her (and your) position. It's confusing. I know. But, you didn't even hear her out. Rude. That's all I'm sayin'. Rude. You guys could have worked things out....you could have. Trust me. I did... Crap happens. Some times you get curious as to other people. And I'll tell you the same thing I told Kathrine, it doesn't mean the love is any less. It's just learning, experiencing new/different things... that's all. I hope you can work it out. Or at least be happy with one another. It is not fun to loose someone of that much importance. I just hope one day you can be happy with your decision and happy with her at the same time.... I wish you could be together forever, though... It gives me hope.

Wishingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Dear Romeo,

You are kind of dramatic. And you fall in love too quickly. But....don't worry, I do too.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Dear Mr. Lemony Snicket

You. Are. Fantastic. I'm sorry I haven't written to you sooner. You don't care. I know. But, you should just know how much I FREAKIN' LOVE YOU. Your writing is fantastic. The way you throw your words on the page the way you do makes me all warm an fuzzy inside. They way you talk and the vocabulary you use makes me want to die from excitement. And, I know you're probably really confused now and going to burn my letter, if you're even still reading. But, I'm not offended Mr. Snicket, because that is how you are. You are just so fantastically amazing. And you're probably laughing at me and rolling around on the floor right now. But, like I said....I just need to tell you. Arg. You're so cool!

Fantastically yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dear Wes,

I know I just wrote to you, but I went to art prize in Grand Rapids, MI today and it made me think of you and your sculptures. That I LOVE. I want one. In the form of a necklace probably. I just thought I would let you know I'm thinking of ya.

Waiting on that sculpture from you,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dear Mr. Wing Biddlebaum,

I am so sorry that happened to you. Kids have no respect for the elderly. I don't know how you encouragingly rubbed kids shoulders, but I believe you. I don't think it was in any promiscuous ways, or any way of pleasure. I think it was just in encouragement. I'm so sorry you got run out of town. It is not fair that happened to you. I can't even imagine how scared you were. And I just want you to know that I'm on your side. I really like you Mr. Biddlebaum, I think you are such an interesting man and I wish I could just talk to you forever. No, I'm sorry, I wish I could listen to you talk forever. You seem like such a man of integrity and how people could accuse you of such things I have no idea. I'm sorry. And know, you always have a friend in me.

NicholleLee Robertson.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Dear Lani Garver,

You inspire me so much.
I never have felt emotion the way I did when I was with you. You taught me SO much, and I am forever forever grateful. You taught me not to judge people. And although I do and everyone does (if they say they don't they're lying) you make me try harder not to, you make me think about that person and who they really might be. You taught me that everyone is different, sometimes it's good to be out-of-the-box, not everything is as it seems, and to just love.
You changed my life. You honestly changed my life.
I talk about you often, actually. I can't not tell people about you, because you are the most amazing person I've ever encountered. You really are a guardian angel. To more people than you know.
You put me in awe. You make me want to be a better person. You make me a better person. You affected my life at such a young age, and I really think you played a role in making me who I am. I honestly mean that. You're such a savior. You put me in touch with emotions I didn't even know I had. You actually made me cry...I don't cry. Like ever. You made me realize that people are not what they seem, good and bad. People that look bad can be good, and people that look good can actually be bad. I learned how to be ME when I was with you. You taught me that I can be whatever I want, and even though I stray from trying to be who I want me to be, that it's okay to be who I want to be. That no one can ever take that away from me. No one.
You altered my perception on life, love, society, and humanity. You impacted my life so much. And to think we were only together for about a week....never since. That is really stinky actually. I'm sorry. I know I'm forgiven.
I can't even begin to express how much you've impacted my life, and I am so sorry I can not do it to the best of my ability. You deserve so much more than I am capable of writing down. Just know that you are my hero. You hold such a dear place in my heart. And I hope that shows you how much you mean to me. Does it? Can you tell? I really hope so, because you deserve so much more than I can give you.
You deserve the best. And I can't give you that. But I'm just human. Are you?
Are you Lani? Or are you an angel? Maybe a little of both. I like to think that. Gives humanity a little hope. How does that make you feel? That your existence makes me hope in our future? We can use all the hope we can get.
You will continue to inspire me for the rest of my life. I'll always think of you. Especially when I think of those who altered my life beyond what they can believe. And you are one of them, my friend.

Hopefully yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Since it's book month....

Here are my top ten favorite books (not in any order):
If you haven't read them I suggest it. Some of them might just change your life. *Cough. What Happened to Lani Garver. Cough*

JUST LISTEN, Sarah Dessen
TWILIGHT SERIES, Stephenie Meyer
A WALK TO REMEMBER, Nicholas Sparks


THIRSTY, M.T. Anderson

THIS LULLABY, Sarah Dessen

THE GREAT GATSBY, F. Scott Fitzgerald

THE GIVER, Lois Lowry