I automatically liked you. For one, you're the editor at the newspaper. But, you were different. You have class with your profession. So many writers are pushy and pry, but you don't. You respect people and their feelings. Not saying that other writers don't do that, but not all do. And I respect you for that. We share the same profession--I like you.
You also have such an amazing heart. Falling in love and not loving anyone else, even if that means you're alone. Although I do believe you could have found someone else, it's incredible what you did. Committing to someone like that who didn't commit the way you did. Although, I think in a way she did. I think she loved you more than her husband she just couldn't stand up for herself--for you. Although it's sad, it happens. But you told her you'd love her forever and no one but her, and you do. And I think that's really respectable. I love hearing the stories of when you were kids. But, when I see her with her husband I just don't feel like she feels the way about him she did for you--she does for you. Because I believe she does still feel that way.
Anyways, I just wanted to write you and tell you what a good man I thought you were. See you soon.
Anyways, I just wanted to write you and tell you what a good man I thought you were. See you soon.
Tellingly yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.