Thursday, May 13, 2010

Dear Ronnie,

You're quick to judge, and judgmental. Especially for someone who has the attitude you have... I think it was a good thing you spent the summer with your dad, it allowed you to re-evaluate your life... You needed to. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed spending time with you, you were just so whinny and your "the world is against me. Rawr, I hate everything" attitude was getting old. Guess what?! There are people in much worse positions than you...just so you know. You have a good life, you don't really have any reason to complain... I mean, I understand why you complain--everyone does. But still. Come on lady!!
But, I think you made great strides with your life and attitude. It's not always easy to see yourself and realize you need to change. And even though you may not have really noticed a need to change, you realized you could better yourself. And you did. And that's something you should be proud of. Your dad needed you, and you were there for him. And your brother. And in the end--your mother.
You're a good example for all the girls out there that were like you...people can change, they can be happier than they expect, even in the "worst" situations...

Optimistically yours,
NicholleLee Robertson.

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